
The use of video for teaching and learning


10 Do’s and some Don’ts for using media in online post-secondary education

Albert Schram, Ph.D.
University of Maryland Global Campus (Adelphi MD USA – Vicenza Italy) 

Paper prepared for the European Distance Education Network (EDEN) virtual annual conference, 
Madrid  21-24 June 2021. 

For effective online teaching and learning there is no short-cut for good instructional design, as well as following well-established pedagogical practices. For universities today, the main challenges for delivering quality online programs are, first, to provide good access through high quality digital infrastructure, and, secondly, to assure that all lecturers are trained in modern pedagogical approaches, basic instructional design principles for online teaching, and media usage. 


Necrologia Laura Pighi (22 agosto 1930 - 13 aprile 2022)

La mattina del 13 aprile 2022, la Professoressa Laura Pighi Schram è morta a Negrar vicino a Verona (Italia), dove ha risieduto per quasi 35 anni. Nasce il 22 agosto 1930 a Milano da famiglia veneta. Per coincidenza, morì lo stesso giorno di San Zeno nell'anno 371 DC, l'amato Patrono di Verona, originario dell'Africa. Era la vedova di Kees Schram, morto il 27 gennaio 2017. Le sopravvivono i suoi figli Marco Schram e Albert Schram e le loro famiglie.

Laura Pighi col marito Kees Schram

In Olanda è nota come coautrice del dizionario Prisma italiano-olandese, che quasi tutti gli studenti di lingua italiana nel paese hanno utilizzato. Durante la sua vita ha pubblicato oltre 100 titoli in italiano, con le sue ultime pubblicazioni all'età di 90 anni. Gli ultimi una mezza dozzina di libri sono ancora in vendita in Italia da Liberia Feltrinelli vedi https://bit.ly/pighilaura e su Amazon.it.


Obituary for my mother Laura Pighi (22 August 1930 - 13 April 2022): the life of an international scholar of Italian literature and culture

In the morning of 13 April 2022, Profesoressa Laura Pighi Schram passed away in Negrar near Verona (Italy), where she resided for almost 35 years. She was born on 22 August 1930 in Milan to a Venetian family. Coincidentally, she died on the same day as San Zeno in the year 371 AD, the beloved Patron Saint of Verona, originally from Africa. She was the widow of Kees Schram, who died on 27 January 2017. She is survived by her children Marco Schram and Albert Schram and their families.

Laura Pighi in her study in Verona in 2008

In the Netherlands, she is well known as the co-author of the Prisma Italian-Dutch dictionary, which almost all students of the Italian language in the country have used. During her lifetime, she published over 100 titles in Italian, with her last publications appearing when she was 90 years old. The most recent half a dozen books are still for sale in Italy at Liberia Feltrinelli see https://bit.ly/pighilaura and on Amazon.it.


Echoes from Ancient Times: Anniversary of the death of San Zenone of Verona (12 April 371)

Statue of San Zeno in Verona

Today, in Verona and elsewhere we celebrate the death of its patron Saint Zenone (in Veronese "San Zen") the 8th Bishop of Verona from 361 to 371. Though this is the very early history of Christianity, barely 50 years after the alleged conversation of Roman Emperor Constantin in 312 AD, we know quite a lot about San Zeno because he was a prolific writer. Recently, his sermones in Latin have even been made available on Googe Play Books. In these sermons he would point out, for example, Christians should keep down the wailing during funerals, since after all for Christians the dead would be in a better place.


Obituary Joe Kaowai (8 May 1982 - 14 February 2022)

Joe Kaowai in Venice

In the night of Monday 14 February 2022, our wonderful friend, servant-leader, educator, and colleague Joe Kaowai passed away in Angau hospital only 39 years and 9 months old. He is survived by his wife Joy, son Alberto and daughter Paulina. As a sign of our special bond and true friendship, he kindly named his son and his daughter after myself and my wife.