
From Chalkboards to Chatbots: The Promise and Perils of Emerging Educational Technologies

Bullet points summary

🌍 Core-Periphery Model of Technological Diffusion: Describes the uneven geographical spread of technology, with core regions adopting innovations faster than peripheral regions. However, this model can lead to geographical determinism and overlook alternative strategies in peripheral areas.

📈 Product Life Cycle Model: Outlines the stages of technology adoption, from invention to widespread usage and eventual obsolescence. This descriptive model provides insights into the pace of technological change, but has limited explanatory or predictive power.

💥 Disruptive Innovation Model: Explains how new entrants can successfully challenge and displace established firms by targeting underserved market segments with simpler, less sophisticated products that gradually improve and transform industry dynamics.

⏱️ Productivity Paradox: Explores the observed phenomenon where significant investments in information technology do not immediately translate to increased productivity. Factors like initial disruption, incremental improvement, path dependence, and measurement challenges contribute to this time lag.

🏫 Educational Technology Integration: Examines the contrast between the slow pace of change in visible classroom practices and the transformative effects of information and communication technology quietly reshaping educational practices in the background.

🧠 Psychological Barriers: Identifies key psychological obstacles to educational technology adoption, including resistance to change, technological anxiety, generational divides, and concerns about teacher replacement.

🏢 Organizational Impediments: Highlights the rigidity, bureaucracy, and resource constraints that hinder the integration of educational technologies, especially emerging AI-powered tools, within complex institutional structures.


The landscape of educational technology is in the midst of a transformative shift, as the recent widespread adoption of public access large language models has catalyzed a renewed reflection on the historical patterns of technological integration within the education sector. As an economic historian, specialized in technological innovation and large technological systems, I believe that a deeper understanding of these historical trends is crucial in shaping our approach to the emerging technological advancements (Schram, 1997). As I wrote elsewhere, this is particularly relevant for educational institutions in low-income countries in order to tackle the global education crisis and make progress towards achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goal four (SDG -4"access to quality education").

The article by Molenda, Subramony, Clark and Stallkamp (MSCS - 2023) provides an insightful overview of the state of the question, organizing the complex subject into broad "paradigms" - guiding principles that have inspired both research and practice in educational technology. Today, the "models vs. media" paradigm is particularly relevant, since we tend to forget that all technology are tools, or means to an end. If the pedagogical model is deeply flawed, and does not promote students' engagement and active learning, adopting new technology is like the proverbial "putting lipstick on a pig". 

In the 1990s, Professor Carl Wieman, a Nobel Prize winner in physics and innovator in university science education, asked himself why PhD candidates at Stanford University were still unable to do physics. He concluded that they had been taught in the wrong manner and demonstrated that by putting the problem first, and giving learners more agency in an improved pedagogical approach, learning outcomes would improve dramatically. 

The origins of giving learners more agency and autonomy can be traced back to the movement started in primary and secondary schools by Maria Montessori in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century. However, due to pressure from the fascist regime, the movement's headquarters moved to the Netherlands. The emergence of more decentralized and challenge oriented pedagogical models would have been impossible without Maria Montessori's work. Much later in the 1970s, at McMaster University in Canada, Problem-Based Learning a similar approach was developed for adults in tertiary education, initially only in the medical field.

However, in MSCS I find their conclusions regarding the recent developments during the introduction of mobile and internet technologies to be somewhat unsatisfactory, particularly in the context of what they describe as the "emerging technologies paradigm" from around 1998 to the present.


Nobel Prize in Economics 2024: Unlocking the Secrets of Prosperity

Key Takeaways:

  • Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson were awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Economics for their groundbreaking research on how institutions shape economic prosperity.
  • Their work demonstrated that the political and economic systems introduced by European colonizers are a key driver of the vast wealth disparities between nations.
  • They developed a theoretical framework to explain why extractive institutions are so difficult to reform, but also identified circumstances where positive change is possible.
  • Their findings have had a profound impact on economics and political science, highlighting the crucial role of inclusive institutions in promoting long-term growth.


The Nobel Prize in Economics is an annual event that holds immense significance, not only for the field of economics but for the broader understanding of global prosperity and development. This year, the 2024 Nobel Prize in Economics has been awarded to a trio of pioneering scholars whose groundbreaking research has fundamentally transformed our comprehension of the crucial role that institutions play in shaping the economic fortunes of nations.

Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson have provided a compelling explanation for the persistent wealth disparities that exist between countries around the world. Their work has demonstrated that the political and economic systems introduced by European colonial powers are a key driver behind these vast inequalities, with the formerly richest colonies often now being the poorest. By developing a robust theoretical framework, the laureates have shed light on the complex interplay between institutions, politics, and long-term economic growth.

The insights of Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson have had a profound impact on both the field of economics and political science, underscoring the central importance of inclusive, rules-based institutions in catalyzing broad-based prosperity. As we grapple with the entrenched divides between the global haves and have-nots, the lessons of this Nobel Prize offer invaluable guidance on the path forward.

From extractive to inclusive institutions

Through their innovative empirical research, the laureates examined how the political and economic systems introduced by European colonizers shaped the development trajectories of their colonies. They found that colonies with dense indigenous populations tended to have more "extractive" institutions designed to benefit a small elite, while sparsely populated areas saw the establishment of more "inclusive" institutions that incentivized broad-based prosperity.

Crucially, the laureates demonstrated that this colonial legacy has had a lasting impact, with the formerly richest colonies now often being the poorest. Their work using the divided city of Nogales as a case study vividly illustrates how seemingly minor institutional differences can lead to vastly unequal outcomes, even among populations with shared geography and culture.

The laureates have also made important theoretical contributions, developing a framework to explain why extractive institutions are so difficult to reform. The "commitment problem" between elites and the masses means that promises of change are often not credible, trapping societies in a cycle of poverty and inequality. However, the researchers also show that in certain circumstances, the threat of mass mobilization can compel elites to introduce more inclusive political and economic systems.

Conclusion and call to action

The insights of Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson have had a profound influence on both economics and political science. Their work underscores the central importance of institutions in shaping long-term development, and has spurred further research into the complex interplay between politics, education, and societal progress.

For universities in the developing world, the lessons of this Nobel Prize are clear. Strengthening institutional quality - through measures like ensuring academic freedom, improving governance, and forging strategic international partnerships - should be a top priority. 

By embedding inclusive, rules-based practices, these institutions can play a vital role in catalyzing the kind of broad-based prosperity that has long eluded so many nations. Only then can the entrenched divides between the global haves and have-nots finally begin to narrow.


Makortoff, K., & Elliott, L. (2024). Trio of professors win Nobel economics prize for work on post-colonial wealth. the Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/oct/14/three-us-based-professors-win-nobel-prize-in-economics-daron-acemoglu-simon-johnson-james-robinson-

Prize in economic sciences. (2024, October 16). Retrieved from https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/economic-sciences

The Unrealized Potential of the Papua New Guinea University of Technology

As the former Vice-Chancellor of the Papua New Guinea University of Technology (PNGUT), I encountered a multitude of challenges and missed opportunities during my tenure from 2012 to 2017. This complete account, from 2019, outlines my efforts to transform the university and the unfortunate circumstances that ultimately derailed my initiatives.

Modernizing the University

My strategy centered around three key pillars:

  1. Bridging the digital divide and leveraging technology
  2. Forging successful industry partnerships
  3. Expanding international academic collaborations

Through my leadership, PNGUT became the first university in the world to access high-speed internet through the O3B satellite system. I also worked to establish robust industry advisory boards and secure significant donations from companies like ExxonMobil to support infrastructure upgrades and academic quality improvements.

Fast internet and laptops for all students

Roadblocks to Progress

However, my efforts were consistently undermined by political interference, a lack of competent leadership of my deputies, and a culture of self-interest among senior administrators. Despite achieving a clean financial audit in 2017, and laying the groundwork for engineering accreditation, my initiatives were ultimately derailed by an unsupportive university council and do-nothing chancellors Kekedo and Koim.

The Opportunity Cost

The current "navel-gazing" approach adopted by PNGUT's leadership has squandered the progress made under my tenure. Partnerships with international universities, funding organizations, and industry leaders have been neglected, depriving students and staff of valuable learning and research opportunities. This short-sighted focus on internal politics has come at a significant cost to the university's long-term development and reputation.

The path forward for PNGUT requires a renewed commitment to good governance, academic excellence, and strategic partnerships. Only by overcoming the entrenched interests and political maneuvering can the university truly unlock its potential and serve the needs of Papua New Guinean students and society.

When Bias and Ignorance Derail Progress: The UNITECH Council's Rejection of a Campus Solar Project

As Papua New Guinea begins to seriously consider renewable energy options, it's important to reflect on a missed opportunity that occurred nearly 7 years ago at the country's premier university. In October 2017, the PNG University of Technology (UNITECH) governing council had the chance to partner with Cambridge Energy Partners and establish a small-scale solar project on the university campus. Unfortunately, due to the biases and lack of understanding displayed by key council members, this potentially transformative initiative was unceremoniously rejected.

The meeting was chaired by Chancellor Kekedo, who, as I observed, never read or wrote any Council document, and displayed her trademark bias. Spearheading the motion to dismiss the solar project was the current Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Ora Renagi. I made a strong case for going ahead, based on a feasibility study and Nasa data.

Letter of intent signed

This decision flies in the face of the critical role universities should play in piloting innovative sustainability projects that can then be scaled up and adopted by local organizations and businesses. UNITECH had a chance to showcase its commitment to renewable energy and set an example for the rest of the country, but short-sightedness and political maneuvering won out.

As PNG grapples with its energy challenges and the urgent need to transition to cleaner sources, this incident serves as a poignant reminder of the damage that can be wrought when biased, uninformed leadership derails progress. Universities should be at the forefront of driving sustainable solutions, not holding them back due to personal agendas and a lack of vision. Going forward, PNG must empower its academic institutions to boldly embrace the renewable energy future, lest it continue to miss out on transformative opportunities like the one that was squandered at UNITECH.

#PNGUniversities #SolarEnergy #UNITECHCouncil #LeadershipFailure


Exiled from the Country They Served: The Precarious Position of Expatriate Heads in Papua New Guinea's Institutions


The recent story of my friend Carolyn Blacklock as reported by ABC, paints a chilling picture of the perils faced by expatriate leaders in Papua New Guinea's institutions. Carolyn has deep roots in the country and a distinguished international career in finance as a consultant, and with UN institutions as an international civil servant.

Carolyn Blacklock

Carolyn who headed PNG power, the national power company, and had resigned peacefully (like myself), found herself trapped in the country, her passport confiscated, and subjected to threats and detention despite being cleared of all corruption charges. Those who lost face during her term as CEO had no hesitations to pay the police to harass her in an ultimate act of vindictiveness. Her dramatic nine-day escape, involving travel by helicopter, car, boat, and on foot, highlights the precarious position of foreigners in positions of authority in PNG.

The Honeymoon Fades Quickly

At first, there is often a honeymoon period for expatriate leaders, with traditional welcomes, dancing, and promises of support. However, as soon as these foreign professionals insist on doing things by the book, stopping favouritism and wantokism, and strictly following the rules and laws, the fierce resistance begins. I remember, for example, that it took the staffing committee more than a year to decide not to renew the contract of an employee who had sexually assaulted 3 female employees. The facts were undisputed, but he was related to my deputy the current VC.

Diverse local parties normally at odds can quickly come together in a post-colonial, nationalist sentiment, united in the belief that it is all the fault of the meddling foreigner. The traditional warm welcome quickly gives way to accusations, trumped-up charges, and efforts to force these leaders out of the country. Another case in point is Jan Czuba, the Secretary of the Department of Higher Education, Research Science and Technology, who at his own expense for 2 years had to fight frivolous accusations in court. To be fair, this is how some local leaders who fall out of grace with the Prime Minister are treated as well.

The Abuse of Power

This is not an isolated incident. There is a disturbing pattern of PNG authorities abusing the migration and legal systems to target and remove expatriate leaders who challenge the status quo and work to establish good governance. The cases of former UNITECH Vice-Chancellor John Warren and myself are prime examples. We faced trumped-up charges, slanderous attacks, and ultimately were forced to leave the country, despite our efforts to root out corruption and mismanagement. Slander is a crime in PNG, but nobody is ever indicted when it regards foreigners.

Prof. Jan Czuba

Dr. John Warren

Dr. Albert Schram

A Failure to Protect

The PNG government has consistently and intentionally failed in its obligation to protect the safety and security of foreign workers, especially those in leadership roles. Local politics, inflated egos of elected politicians, and a disregard for the rule of law take precedence over the need for ethical, competent management of the country's institutions. Until this changes, the country will continue to struggle to progress, and expatriate professionals will remain wary of taking on critical roles in PNG.


Asia Pacific Report. Retrieved from https://asiapacificreport.nz/2018/05/16/former-unitech-vc-takes-legal-steps-in-scary-png-education-controversy

Asia Pacific Report. Retrieved from https://asiapacificreport.nz/2018/08/20/second-expat-vice-chancellor-flees-for-safety-as-png-universities-turn-nasty

Expatriate v-c flees Papua New Guinea fearing for his life. (2018, August 30). Retrieved from https://www.timeshighereducation.com/news/expatriate-v-c-flees-papua-new-guinea-fearing-his-life

Howes, Stephen (May 2018) The outrageous & unfounded arrest of Dr Albert Schram. (2024, October 15). Retrieved from https://www.pngattitude.com/2018/05/the-outrageous-unfounded-arrest-of-dr-albert-schram.html

Howes, Stephen (August 2018) PNG media silent as another vice chancellor is lost. (2024, October 15). Retrieved from https://www.pngattitude.com/2018/08/png-media-silent-as-another-vice-chancellor-is-lost.html

Postcourieronline. (March 2023). Fr Czuba reinstated. Post Courier. Retrieved from https://www.postcourier.com.pg/fr-czuba-reinstated